“I Jumped While The Pickup Was Running”- Martin Kyere Explains How He Escaped Death In 2005

By Buba Gagigo
Martin Kyere, the only known survivor in the massacre of the West African migrants in July 2005 said he Jumped off the pickup carrying them, while the vehicle was running and took to his heels to escaped death.
“I was able to untie my hands while in the pickup. I tried to help my other friends to untie their wires but it was tied in a way that I couldn’t untie. They told me to leave before I will be found untied. I jumped off the pickup and ran away,” he said
Martin said when he jump off the Pickup vehicle, he heard a sound from the back “who is that?” But said he didn’t look back.
“I went four steps; I was tied by the roots in the forest. I fell down. Immediately, the gun shots passed over me. I decided to relax small, but I found out that they have opened a big touch light. Wherever they pointed, they will shoot that direction. Immediately, I woke myself from the ground. I heard sound from the back “God help us. God help us “, and gunshot followed, but I didn’t know that I was close to the road, because it was night. I found that the pickup is coming where the light is coming towards, where I was. So, I threw myself to the bush, and the pickup passed to the right direction and I used the left direction,” the witness narrated how he struggled to escaped from his captors.
Kyere said he spent four days in the forest to protect himself, saying the only food he ate during those days was a fruit in the forest.
“I found one fruit that we eat in Ghana. That’s what I used to eat, until the fourth day, I found myself out of the bushes,” he said.
The witness said he later left and found his way to Senegal where he was helped to return to his county, Ghana.
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