MoTIE Warns Business Community Against Tampering With Weighing Instrument

Trade Minister
By: Landing Ceesay
The weights and measures bureau under the ministry of trade, industry, regional integration and employment has warned the business community against tampering with weighing instruments.
The bureau issued the warning in a release following its completion of a conformity assessment exercise nationwide by conducting a detailed testing of all commercial weighing instruments within the country.
The report of the conformity assessment has revealed that 98% of all instruments tested have passed the conformity assessment test but 2% of instruments failed, according to the statement.
It further stated that the bureau observed that most of under-weighing in the business transactions are not due to failure of the weighing instrument but by the operators themselves who tamper with the instrument.
“In this Regard, the bureau would like to inform the public that it will continue to strengthen its monitoring mechanism, and hereby encourage the public to be more vigilant and report all such malpractices to the bureau. The practices of tampering with weighing instruments are in contravention of section (42) of weights and measures act,” it said.
The weights and measures bureau assured that they will continue the spot verification nationwide. The bureau warned that any business found wanting will be dealt with according to the law
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