GPU congress slated for August

The Executive Board of the Gambia Press Union (GPU) has scheduled the triennial Congress of the Union for August 31st and September 1st, 2018. This decision was reached on Monday July 30th following a Board Meeting.
The GPU, the umbrella organisation for media practitioners – with both trade union and professional pursuits – has since its inception in 1979 six times changed leadership through fair and transparent democratic processess.
In April 2015, the members voted in a nine-member Executive Committee for a three-year mandate. Led by Bai Emil Touray, building on previous gains, the Union has registered significant growth and development.
The outgoing president, Bai Emil Touray, said: “During our three years in office, membership of the GPU has increased impressively thanks to our outreach activities and attractive services. We have also expanded our network of partners and affiliates, local and international, and one of our greatest successes, for me, is the diversification of source of funding.
“We have also strengthened the GPU as an institution and its subsidiaries and affiliates. We have also provided mechanisms aimed at enhancing media freedom and development. The plethora of capacity building programmes has gone far in improving the skills and competencies of the Gambia media.”
Meanwhile, the August Congress will elect a new Executive Committee and consider a new constitution for the GPU as well as the activity and financial reports to be presented by Secretary General and Treasurer, respectively.
Members are hereby informed that the deadline for settlement of membership dues is August 15th, 2018. No late payment will be accepted. In accordance with the 2011 GPU Constitution, the Congress will comprise only delegates that are paid-up. Those that have applied and have not received a reply are encouraged to contact the Secretariat for update on the status of their application.
Moreover, in accordance with Rule 8 of the Constitution, a member who wishes to propose a motion is required to do so by submitting a written proposal to the Board at least five working days before the Congress.
In conclusion, Mr Touray added: “This is a time for renewal and continuity and I encourage members to own up the GPU and elect into office people with the integrity, courage, intellect and experience to guide the GPU to greater heights.”
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