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Kerr Fatou’s Reaction To NPP’s Press Statement

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Fatou Touray, CEO Kerr Fatou Media

In a shocking display of disregard for press freedom and journalistic integrity, the National People’s Party (NPP) continues its relentless campaign against our independent media outlet, Kerr Fatou. Even during the festive season, as people around the world celebrate Christmas, the NPP’s obsession to silence Kerr Fatou shows no bounds.

The recent vitriolic attack launched by the NPP’s Media and Communications secretary, acting on behalf of the party, underscores a concerning pattern of attempts to undermine the credibility and independence of Kerr Fatou. We refuse to dignify the personal attacks of a sycophant seeking attention at the expense of the state.

It is imperative, however, to set the record straight and address the NPP’s unwarranted assault on press freedom. The subject of the Kerr Fatou interview that triggered the party’s ire is not an NPP member, and the information discussed was already in the public domain and most importantly, the interviewee’s permission was sought and granted before any recording of our conversation was made. Journalistic responsibility guided our actions as we reached out, verified, and disseminated information of public interest – a duty that seems to be at odds with the NPP’s stance.

From the President’s chief of staff pressuring State Owned Enterprises to sever ties with Kerr Fatou to the President himself using a political rally to launch a verbal tirade against us, and now this unnecessary press release attempting to lecture us on journalistic ethics – it is perplexing to witness the NPP transform into a self-proclaimed journalism school.

Press freedom is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy, yet the NPP’s consistent efforts to muzzle Kerr Fatou have become a recurring theme in their political discourse. While we are well-versed in handling partisan political commentary, the perilous situation arises when the head of the ruling political institution singles out and attacks an independent media outlet.

The NPP’s actions pose a direct threat to the principles of press freedom, and Kerr Fatou stands on the precipice of becoming a casualty of these political machinations. Despite the challenges we face, we remain resolute in our commitment to reporting the news with integrity, honesty, and unyielding independence.

As we navigate these turbulent times, we draw strength from the immortal words of our national anthem: “Let justice guide our actions, towards the common good.”

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