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President Barrow Urges Darboe to Retract Comments on Ferry Services

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His Excellency, President Adama Barrow

By Buba Gagigo

President Adama Barrow has urged his political father to retract the remarks he made concerning the Banjul/Barra ferries a few weeks ago.

“Just recently, I heard my father expressing his views, stating that The Gambia is a failed state due to ferry issues and suggesting residents of Niumi and Badibou not to support President Barrow. I will tell my father that I know he’s old now, and that’s why his network is not working. If not, if you say Gambia has failed because the ferries have a problem, I will say ‘Allahu Akbar’. I’ll inform him that the ferry service is operational now. Previously, the journey took an hour, but it’s been reduced to just sixteen minutes. Additionally, we’re currently refurbishing another ferry, outfitting it all with new engines. In response to his comments, we’re even procuring two new solar-powered ferries. While I appreciate his concerns, I’d like to clarify that his son holds the presidency, and I’m diligently working. You can say you don’t like President Barrow, but to say he’s not working is not true. Nonetheless, I understand the political nature of such discussions,” President Barrow said.

President Barrow made this comment in Badibou while visiting a National People’s Party political bureau in the area.

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