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Police Appeared Before Human Rights Committee

Abdoulie Sanyang
The Gambia’s Police Chief

Ramatoulie Jawo

The Police on Wednesday appeared before the National Assembly Select Committee on Human Rights and Constitutional matters.

The Inspector General Police (IGP) of Gambia Police Force Abdoulie Sanyang said due to their compliance with Human Rights, they renamed the Complaint and Discipline Unit of the police to Human Rights and Professional Standard unit.

The unit reflects, receives and handles complaints against the police in their official capacities.

He added that further  to their compliance, the IGP directive N. 05/2021 was developed to reinforce and empower investigations against police, outing punitive measures, reprimand, transfer, CB, demotion, discharge and dismissal.

“Despite poor equipment, logistics, the unit is mostly on field patrols,

unannounced visit, spot check with a view to confirm compliance, but also to

rectify and or undo excesses and wrongs by the Police,” he said.

IGP Sanyang informed that complaints against police officers are handled and addressed in the presence of all parties in ensuring transparency, confidence building and fair hearing.

The Police Chief highlighted logistics and the non-digitalisation of the complaint system are challenges that impede their work added to the limited capacity of officers and the inhabitable conditions of some detention cells.

In his intervention Hon. Muhammed Kandeh, member for Busumbala said the security should take human rights issues ‘very seriously’ because it affects their brothers, sisters and other human beings in general.

He urged the IGP to protect the lives and prosperities of the citizens which is “very important”.

The Chairperson of the Select Committee on Human Rights and Constitutional matters committee, Honourable Madi Ceesay said the committee is there for everyone and would make sure everybody’s rights is protected.

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