UDP statement on the postponement of the proposed IEC voter registration dates

The United Democratic Party (UDP) has registered with utter dismay the notice of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) for the indefinite postponement of the voter registration of The Gambia’s 2021 Election process scheduled for 14th January 2021.
The UDP vehemently condemns in the strongest term possible this abrupt decision and notice and demands that the IEC provides clear and justifiable bases to all political parties and the general public the reasons for the postponement of the voter registration process.
UDP is aware that that IEC had enough time to prepare for this process more than a year ago. Coming up with a notice that indicates “……. due to logistical challenges beyond our control…..” is totally unacceptable.
The Elections are a matter of public interest and any logistical challenges must be communicated to the general public in full details.
It is totally unacceptable that changes to the electoral process are being shifted without due process and not in consultation with political parties and relevant stakeholders.
In the same vein, it has come to the notice of the UDP the appointment of Mr. Oremi Joiner as Deputy IEC Chair.
The UDP condemns the illegality of this appointment as a violation of and contravention of Section 42 (5) (c) of the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia.
We demand for the revocation of this appointment with immediate effect. It is an open secret that the said Mr. Oremi Joiner is a co-opted member of the National People’s Party’s (NPP) Banjul Regional Executive Committee.
The UDP calls on all patriotic Gambians to condemn these acts of illegitimacy and demands the IEC further explains the reasons for such unprofessional and unconstitutional actions being taken when we have only months to go to the Presidential elections of The Gambia
Ousainu ANM Darboe
Secretary General and Party Leader
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