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BMCH Presents Their Activity & Financial Report Before FPAC Committee

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Officials From The Bundung Maternal and Child Health Hospital

By Ramatoulie Jawo 

Bundung Maternal and Child Health Hospital gave a presentation of their activities and financial statements to the National Assembly Standing Committee on Finance and Public Accounts Committee on Monday, October 16th, 2023, for the years ending December 31, 2015-2018.

Mamat Cham, CEO of Bundung Maternal and Child Health Hospital, highlighted the hospital’s activities, noting that 4,494 pregnant women were registered in 2015, compared to 4,974 in 2016.

“This implies an increase of 10.7% from 2015 to 2016. While the average monthly registration was 374 in 2015, in 2016 it was 415 women,” he said.

Cham, the manager of Bundung Hospital, reported that 3,921 pregnant women received at least one dose of malaria prophylaxis in 2015, but this number dropped to 3,856 in 2016. He attributed this decline to late antenatal care registration, which prevents women from receiving all the required doses.

To address this issue, the hospital introduced the Male Clinic in June 2015 to encourage male involvement in reproductive health matters, including maternity care. This clinic provides men with information and support on topics such as family planning, pregnancy care, and child health.

“In 2016, our records indicated that 1,482 men accompanied their partners during routine antenatal care visits and 634 men were present during labor and deliveries of their spouse,” he told the committee.
Cham reported that there were 2,422 institutional deliveries in 2015, compared to 2,113 in 2016. He also noted that there was one maternal death recorded in both 2015 and 2016, while the stillbirth rate was 2% and 1.8% in those years, respectively.

“4,483 delivered at the hospital in 2017 giving a daily average delivery of 12 women. Of these births in 2017, 97.5% were live births and 89.7% of the births were within normal range sadly 4.5% of women delivered before arrival,”

“In 2018 the total recorded deliveries was 4,473 a slide decree by 10 compared to 2017 of that 97.6% were live births 85.2% of the babies’ weight rate was within normal rate equal to or above 2.5 kilograms,” he narrated.

In 2017, there were 445 out-referrals from the hospital. Of those, 91 (20.4%) were women in labor, 23 (5.2%) were children, and the rest (331) were OPD cases (74.4%). The management of the hospital will appear before a committee tomorrow to discuss and approve their reports.

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