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I Am In Genuine Solidarity With The United Democratic Party (UDP)

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Modou Mboob, Concerned Citizen.

With this write up, I wish to express my unwavering solidarity with The Gambia’s main opposition party, UDP. The recent arrest and witch hunting occasioned against top UDP members is really unfortunate, unfair and unjust from the look of things. An arrest that’s done with malice intent is inequitable and unacceptable even if the charges are in fact true because actions are judged based on intentions. It’s unfair to arrest an individual for merely expressing his thoughts as this violates the commonly known Fundamental Human Rights principle- freedom of speech and expression. Today, The Gambia cannot afford to relapse into dictatorship when we’ve already made a significant progress in surmounting the menace. 

Mr. President Adama Barrow, I am a fan of your leadership because of your peaceful personality. I voted for you in both elections because I trust with your leadership The Gambia can maintain peace until the time comes for a true leader to surface. However, I am not happy with the way your government is treating the main opposition of the country. Please note that the oppositions are not your enemy neither are they enemies of the state. Looking at the significant roles oppositions ought to play in holding governments to account, you should in fact consider them as your friend because if you listen to them carefully they (opposition) should help you grow as a leader.

To the UDP leadership, I wish to commend your approach in handling the ongoing unfair treatment of your members; and I encourage you to never relent in pursuing justice through legal means. Despite the fact that I don’t agree with Mr. Darboe on many aspects of governance, he must be commended for his love for The Gambia and his desire to maintain peace. Sir, please keep your head up high for people are watching from a distance.

To the security officers, if you haven’t learn your lesson from your colleagues from the past regime, then you’re yet to learn. As police officers, you are obliged to ensure that the citizens are safe and protected, and it’ll be very disturbing if you’re seen doing exactly the opposite of what’s expected of you. Tomorrow, you’ll be asked how you protected the people you were mandated to protect. At this point, ask yourself what your response would be.

To the UDP members, please tone down with the way you criticize the government as the way you express yourself goes to show who you really are. You belong to a party full of talent and drive, but The Gambia is not ready for the kind of tone of some members within the party. 

Furthermore, this’s the time I expect all other genuine political parties to condemn what’s going on irrespective of whether you’re in alliance with the government or not.  We should be truthful and honest with the people we work with, for honest is the best policy. Injustice against one person, must be seen as injustice against everyone. This’s the way to go Gambia!

In conclusion, I hope the above message serves a purpose to all parties involved in making the Gambia’s political atmosphere very unconducive at the moment. We deserve better! Thank you.

Fa Inna ma’al usri yusra!

Best regards,

Modou Mboob.

Concerned Citizen.

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